martes, 4 de octubre de 2016

School Objects (Listening)

Date: Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Teacher's name:
Gabriela Rodriguez
Roxana Diaz

Skill: Listening
Framework: PDP

Topic: School Objects

This was the second time that teachers taught in this weeks. First, Teachers checked the attendance , and gave students a name tags. Teacher gave the instructions for the game slap the flashcards on the board when teacher mentioned  the name of the school objects, T asked students to made two lines , and the student who touched it had to sit down.

Besides, Teacher Gaby asked pupils to take something of their back pags . T. explained two times the activity. Teacher modeled the activity . Then, T. Roxan Helped her to gave the instructions. Nobody did the activity . They monitored that they took something of their bags. Teacher Gaby presented the structure Do you have a_____? Yes, I do or No, I do not.After that,  Teachers were asking students the structure, Teachers gave a sticker to the students who said the structure.Teacher Roxan paste the sticker in student's name tags. Teacher Gaby asked learners to repeat the pronunciation.

Moreover, T asked pupils to listen the audio. It was too faster, for that reason students did not understood it very well. Teacher Roxan gave learners a page that said Yes in one said and No in the other.After, Teacher Gaby gave students some pictures that they had to paste in Yes side when they listened the school object in the audio, and they had to paste in the No side if they did not listen that object. Students asked teachers to read the story because they could not listen it very well. Then, Teacher Roxan played the hot potato game in which the student who had the ball with a happy face had to made a question to the student with the yellow ball . This was like a mini role play. Students performed the mini role play.

Finally, Teacher Gaby played Simon says. She asked students to gave her the school object that she mentioned. Students liked this activity. To conclude, this was a nice lesson, and teachers were so patient even though students were so hyperactive.


Here is the lesson plan:


Teacher’s name:  Gabriela Stephanie Rodriguez L.                                                 Date:  September 27th, 2016.
                                Roxana Marina Diaz Ramirez

Unit: 3           Topic:  School objects           Level: Beginners             Number of Students: 14 students.

Age: 6-8 years.                                 Time:  45 minutes.                           Skill: Vocabulary

Objective: By the end of this lesson SWBAT answer the question What do you use at School?



Warm up

-Students will make a short test about the previous topic.

Students will have a bingo with 4 different animals, Teacher will pick it up the name of the animal from a box, then is going to say an animal name in order students can mark if they have it once students complete the bingo, volunteers will share what animals they had, but teacher is going to ask “what animal do you have?” and students are going to answer
Name: Bingo
Aim of the activity: To review vocabulary
Materials: exam, bingo, and crayons
Type of learner: V, A,  
Interaction: T-S, S-S


Teacher will be presented the vocabulary (desk, scissor, backpack, markers, ruler, eraser and pen) using flashcards and giving examples using the sentences “I use the scissor to cut” when teacher has introduced the vocabulary students will practice the pronunciation.
Name: Present the vocabulary
Aim of the activity: Introduce the new vocabulary
Materials: 8 flashcards, tapes
Type of learner:  V, A
Interaction: T-S


Teacher will have a box and inside the box will have flashcards with the vocabulary that they already learned, and all students are going to take one flashcard and they are going to say the name of the object.
Name: Hot bag
Aim of the activity: To practice the vocabulary
Materials: mini flashcards, box
Type of learner: V, T
Interaction: T-S

  10 min


Teacher will give students a worksheet; the worksheets will be divided in two parts. In the First part, students will circle the object they used at school. Second part, students will have the sentence “I used_______” in order that they write the school object they circle before to verify the answer teacher will pass a ball and when she say stop students have to share their answer using complete sentence.
Aim of the activity: identify and produce the vocabulary
Materials: worksheet and ball.
Type of learners:  V, A, T
Interaction: S-S

Wrap up

Teacher will have flashcards pasted on the board those flashcards won’t have the name of the school object, and teacher will pass a ball in order that students make identify the name with the images
Name: Recognize the image
Aim of the activity: To review vocabulary
Materials: Flashcards
Type of learners: V, A, K, T
Interaction: T-S, S-S

Type of learners: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic and Tactile.
Interaction: Teacher - Student, Student-Student

1 comentario:

  1. It was a difficult class for the teacher that were in charged of the lesson. Most of the activities were not develop well. The material was really good.
