jueves, 25 de agosto de 2016

Family Members

Date: August 29, 2016

Teacher's name:
Yansi Hernandez
Nicol Hernandez

Skill: Vocabulary
Framework: PPP

Topic: Family Members.

This was the first time that the group were expose to a real children group. At the beginning we waited for the children in the classroom. Children arrive to classes running, they were hyperactive. To start with the lesson, T Nicole started in the warm up stage with the "Sponge Bob game" Students had to take the Sponge Bob in their hands and move it up and down saying their names three times.They did it two times. After, T Nicole gave students a sticker in which they had to write their name and paste it on their T-shirt. T asked them where they had to paste it, they answered her.

Then, T Nicol started to explain the vocabulary. They repeated the words of the vocabulary. She did the mimics of the word father. After, she asked students to stand up. T Nicole show them the flashcards of each member, and she did the mimics. Then, she showed the flashcards again to review the vocabulary.

Besides, T Yansi gave some pupils different flashcards and for the other pupils she gave them a papers with a word. The purpose of this activity was that the find their other classmate that had the correct picture or word, but hey did not do that, and teachers helped them to find their partner.After, T Nicole repeated the word of the vocabulary while she was showing them a flashcards with the picture of each member. T gave them a flashcard without the name of the family member, and when she mentioned the family member they had to hold it up. Then, T Nicol started to sing a chant adapted that said, Who has grandfather?
to asked students for the flashcard.

Also, T Nicole gave learners six different pictures ,and T Yansi gave them a page with a family tree. Students had to paste the picture according with the conventional order. They did it and they really enjoyed the lesson. Finally, Teachers gave pupils a night tea.

To conclude, Teachers did a great job performing the lesson, and learners enjoyed it. We really enjoyed the lesson, and this prepare us for the next presentations.

Here is the lesson plan:

Bermudas Triangle

Date: August 25,2016

Teacher's name:
Yansi Hernandez
Cristian Aleman
Andrea Leiva
Nelson Saravia

Skill: Reading
Framework: PDP

Topic: Welcome to Bermudas.

This was the second lesson of reading skill. First,Teacher Cristian made two groups and he asked us to stand up and make a line; then, we played the "broken telephone" We passed the message to each other, and the last student of the line had to write the phrase on the board.If it was correct the group achieved points.

Second, T Nelson gave some different cards, and we had to match the word with the pictures on the board. The, He explained the vocabulary giving some examples that were so appropriate to understand the meaning of the words.In like manner, he put the meaning of the word under each picture.

Third, T Andrea gave us the reader text. She asked us to put it face down , and T Cristian wrote questions on the board. We read the text for 30 seconds, and we answered the questions on the board that were the following:
1. What weather Bermuda has?
2. How many Islands Bermuda has?
3.What are some things people could do in Bermudas Island?
Before this activity T asked to read the text again to find the bes tittle for it.She gave 4 possibles answers. 
1. History of the Bermudas Islands
2. Welcome to Bermudas
3. The Bermudas Triangle.
After read the text again we gave her an answer that was letter B.

Finally, T Yansi made pairs. She gave each student a picture or a word of the vocabulary and we had to find the picture of the word. Then, She asked us to made a mini role play giving us the instructions. We practiced. After, she told us that the partners that were going to pass had a number on the back of the picture. That was a interesting and creative idea to choose what couple were going to perform the mini role play.There were two pairs that performed the mini role play.



To conclude, T Cristian gave us some papers of different color. When the papper said a word of the vocabulary the student had to explain the meaning of the word. This was an excellent activity to review the vocabulary learned.

Here I attach the lesson plan:


Teacher’s name: Andrea Leiva Date: August 25th, 2016.

Cristian Alemán

Yansi Hernández

Nelson Saravia

Unit: 5 Topic: Welcome to Bermuda Level: Intermediate Number of Students: 12 students.

Age: 19-24 years. Time: 30 minutes. Skill: Reading.

Objective: By the end of the lesson SWBAT demonstrate comprehension of the reading “Welcome to Bermuda” by answering some detailed questions about the reading.


5 min

Warm – up

The teacher is going to assign a number, whether 1 or 2 to each student, and he will ask them to make 2 lines according with their number’s group. The teacher is going to explain the “Broken Telephone” game, it consists that he will tell a sentence to one student, so he/she will pass the message until this gets to the last classmate, and he/she will say it aloud. Three phrases are going to be said and the group who share better the message is going to win.
Name: Broken Telephone
Aim of the activity:
To break the ice.
Materials: Phrases
Type of learner: A, K
Interaction: S-S


Some pictures will be pasted at the board, then the teacher will give papers with words that correspond to each picture and that are in the reading, so that, some of the students will match the picture with the correct word. Then, the teacher will see if they are correct and if they are not, he will fix it, and also he will explain the definitions of each one.
Name: Match the words
Aim of the activity: Introduce vocabulary from the reading
Materials: Pictures, words, board, tape.
Type of learner: V, K, T
Interaction: T-S

10 min
The teacher will write at the board some questions for the students to read but to answer later. Then, she will provide the pages with the reading and tell them that they have only 20 seconds to give a scanning to the text. Then, some students will be chosen to answer the questions that are at the board and they will be corrected with all the class in order to demonstrate comprehension. Finally, they will read the text to check the answers.
Name: Read and answer
Aim of the activity: To comprehend the reading
Materials: The reading, questions, board, markers.
Type of learner: V, T
Interaction: S-S, T-T

5 min


The pictures and words from the board are going to be given to the students in order to make pairs, the one with the picture have to find the classmate who has the word that matches with his/her picture and work with that person. They have to create a conversation about going to a trip to a touristic place in El Salvador; they have to mention some things that they could do inn that place. The statements of the role play will be pasted on the board. 2 couples are going to present their dialogue; this will be chosen by the teacher.
Name: Role Play
Aim of the activity: To create a conversation based in the reading’s example.
Materials: Pictures, words.
Type of learners: A, K
Interaction: S-S

Wrap up

The students are going to choose a paper provided by the teacher in a bag. The one who has a paper with a word or question is going to say whether the definition or the answer, some papers will be in blank, so the one who has those are not going to participate. Three students are going to participate

Name: Choose a paper
Aim of the activity: Review vocabulary and check comprehension from the reading.
Materials: Papers, bag
Type of learners: A, K, T
Interaction: T-S

Resolving Cases

Date: August 25,2016

Teacher's name:
Gabriela Callejas
Gabriela Rodriguez
Carlos Jovel
Guillermo Guerra

Skill: Listening
Framework: PDP

Topic: "Resolving Cases"

To start with the lesson, Teacher Gabriela in the warm up stage  played the game. First, she said that we had to make a circle and "Pass the bottle" with our arms.When the students could not maintain the bottle in their arms, he asked a question about the previous topic "reported speech".

Second, Teacher Charlie presented the vocabulary of the lesson showing us some cards with the picture and the name of the picture one by one. He gave us some examples of each vocabulary meaning and made us repeat the pronunciation as many times were necessary. After, he asked us some questions of the vocabulary.

Third, Teacher Guillermo divided the class in trios giving us a number from 1 to 3. He told us to order the events that he gave us in a pieces of paper according with the audio that he played. T played the audio a second time to gave us time to check our answers. He stopped the audio in the middle of the story and asked for the answers at that moment.Then, he played the audio again and we checked our answers.

Finally, Teacher Gabriela Rodriguez made pairs. She gave us a worksheet "true false activity." She gave us the instructions, and she asked students to read the sentences. She told us to listen the audio "A cheesy mystery" T asked what was the story about? Xiomara said to the teacher to play the audio again. T played the audio, and asked every pair the answers.

To conclude, Teacher Gabriela Callejas made the wrap up. The activity was sea and ground. When T Charlie said sea we had to jump to the sea space, but if he said ground, we had to jump to the ground space. If we were n the sea said o groun side and teacher mentioned we had to stay there. The student who made a mistake had to answer a question about the topic. The activities were usefulness to achieve the purpose of the objective, and it was an meaningful lesson.

Here is the Lesson Plan:

Universidad Don Bosco
Teacher’s name:                                                                        Date: August, 25,2016.            
 Carlos Francisco Jovel                                                                        Gabriela Rodriguez                                                                              Gabriela Callejas                                                                                  Guillermo Guerra         
Topic: Resolving cases     Ages: 19-24    Time: 30min 
Level: Basic    Skill: Listening
Number of Students: 20.
Objective: By the end of this lesson SWBAT identify and use at least 7 new words from a group of 9 flashcards, and also they will have a good understanding about the listening activity.
Lesson Planning Form: PDP
5 min
Warm up
Breaking the ice and checking previous knowledge. The teacher will ask the Ss to stand up and make a circle. Then the teacher is going to give to the Ss a bottle of water. The Ss will past the bottle to each other without throwing down. The Ss that let the bottle fall down will answer the teacher’s question.
Aim of the activity: Aim of the activity: To observe what they have learned.

Bottles of water

Type of interaction: V A K

Interaction: T-S S-S
7 min
“Resolving a case”
The teacher will explain the stages of resolving a case, and then he will present some flashcards with vocabulary about resolving mysteries (nine words) that is going to be used during the lesson.
The teacher will have to explain and show each picture and make students repeat the word as many times it is necessary.

Aim of the activity: Present the topic and the vocabulary.

Materials: Flashcards

Type of interaction: V A

Interaction: T-S
8 min

Order the story: A Cheesy Mystery
-The teacher makes trios and gives the instructions.
-Each trio have to order the story in the way that they think is the correct.
-The teacher read loud the story while students are checking their answer.
Aim of the activity: To use the new knowledge about stages of resolving a case.
Materials: Worksheets
Type of interaction: V A

Interaction: T-S
8 min


The teacher has to organize the pair of students to solve the worksheet.
The teacher gives the instructions.

Aim of the activity:
To show comprehension in the students


Type of interaction: V A K T

Interaction:  S-S
2 min
Wrap Up
 Wrap-up: To observe what they have learned. The teacher is going to make a line. Then the Ss are going to play sea and ground. The students who make a mistake is going to answer the question about the previous topic.
Aim of the activity:


Type of interaction: V A K T

Interaction: T-S S-S

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2016

Reported Speech

Date: August 23,2016

Teacher's name:
Juan JoseMenjivar
Roxan Diaz
Nicole Hernandez
Mariana Fagoaga

Skill: Grammar
Framework: PPP

Topic: Reported Speech.

This was the second time that my group taught a lesson, and now we taught grammar in the topic of reported speech. First, I started with the warm up stage.
I gave students papers with different color, and they had to find the other classmates with the same color.After, I explained them that it was a guessing game about places. I wrote the word on the board and they did mimics to help their classmate to got the word. They really enjoy this game.
Second, Teacher Nicol in the presentation stage gave the grammar structure of the direct speech, giving examples and giving the concept of direct speech with flash cards and she asked students for some examples of direct speech.

Third, teacher Roxan in the practice stage made pairs and gave a worksheet exercises to them. Students had to ask their classmate about their hobbies and write the direct speech in the paper. After, Teacher Roxan said that the pairs had to share their answers with the others.
Fourth, Teacher Juan Jose in the production stage divided the class in pairs and gave each pair an instruction paper of the mini role play because all the groups had a different case to perform. Students practiced the role play; then, he asked for a number form 1 to 10 the pair who said the number he thought passed to perform the role play. There were three groups that performed their mini role play in a creative way.

Finally, in the wrap up I played the game "pass the ball" If a student had the ball when i stopped counting, he had to take a paper of the box and made a the sentence writer in direct speech.
To sum up, In this lesson i felt more confident than the last time because I felt more prepared.

Here is the lesson plan:


Teacher’s name: Juan José Menjívar Date: August 23th, 2016
Nicole Hernandez
Roxana Diaz
Mariana Fagoaga
Number of Students: 12 students
Topic: Direct Speech

Age: 19-24 years Unit: 6 Level: Intermediate Skill: Grammar Time: 45 minutes class

Objective: By the end of this lesson SWBAT identify the structure of direct speech in order to use it in a role play.


5 min

Warm –up

T will divide the class in two teams giving Ss papers of different color (Pink, blue, green, yellow) Ss with papers blue and green are going to be group number 1 ; and Ss with papers yellow and green will be group number 2. Ss are going to choose a leader for each round of the game. Ss will guess the word that T will present. Ss are going to do the mimic without say anything.
Aim of the activity: To break the ice and review vocabulary.

Materials: Papers of color (e.g. Pink, yellow, green, blue) Markers, board.
Vocabulary: Beach, Park, Museum, Church, Volcano, Lake, River.

Type of learners: V, A, K, T
Interaction: T-S, S-T

10 min

Tell Ss the lesson objective for today, and make sure students know what they will be doing today.
Teacher will explain the meaning and structure of direct speech in the board. Then, T will present some pictures in flash cards as an example to clarify this topic ,and T will ask for opinion about the pictures

Aim of the activity: To present Direct Speech
-To activate students’ knowledge.

Materials: flash cards markers, board

Type of learners: V, A
Interaction: T-S

10 min

T will make pairs, one will be the student A and the other one student B, students A will share with student B about 3 hobbies and 3 activities they would like to do in the future, student B will write these sentences using direct speech, when the student A finishes the role will change in order that both make a sentences using direct speech. Once they finished, students will share their sentences aloud
Aim of the activity:Verify if students are able to create sentences using direct speech structure.

Materials: pen, papers and notebook.

Type of learners: V, A.
Interaction: T-S S-S

15 min


T will make pairs and is going to give some papers that contain a different roles play to the Ss, so T will explain how the Ss used the vocabulary for the role play and give 5 min to prepare the presentation. Finally, T will write 4 numbers in one piece of paper and then will ask to the Ss to guess what the numbers he has. The pairs that guess the numbers come forward to develop their role play.

Aim of the activity: To create roles play with the correct grammar structure.

Materials: Papers with role plays, papers with numbers, markets, pen and notebooks.

Type of learners: V, A,K,T
Interaction: T-S , S-S

5 min
Wrap up

Ss are going to work in trios. T will divide them according with their height. T will pass the ball each Ss are going to touch it. If a SS has the ball when the teacher stops counting, he will take a paper of the box. The trio is going to use the reported speech in the sentence.
Aim of the activity: To review the vocabulary learned.

Materials: Box, ball, sentences.
Why don’t you speak English?”
I love you.
He likes play soccer.
"Where is my umbrella?"
"Are you going to the cinema?" 
"What are they doing?" 

Type of learners: V,A, K, T
Interaction: T-S