martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

Street Food

Date: August 9,2016

Teachers Name:
Gabriela Callejas.
Carlos Jovel.
Gabriela Rodriguez.
Guillermo Guerra.

Skill: Vocabulary.

Framework: PPP

In this lesson our classmates taught vocabulary. The topic was about Street food. Teacher Gabriela started with the stage "warm up" in which she formed a circle and she gave two students two markers that they had to pass to each other. If a student had a marker when teachers Gaby stopped counting, he answered a question about how was his vacation? and so on.Then. Teacher Charlie perform the presentation stage, and he presented us what street food was? and what kind of food we could find on the street . He presented us the vocabulary, and he asked us to made the mimics of each word of the vocabulary: bake, fry, melt, boil, steam, grill, microwave,and roast. He asked different students for the mimics and pronunciation repeating as many times were possible.

Besides, Teacher Guillermo performed the production stage dividing the class in two teams according with the numbers #1 and #2. Teacher asked for a leader of each group who tried to guess a word that teacher Gabriela presented at the group. Each leader had to guess the word that students were showing them with the mimics of the vocabulary that teacher Charlie had presented in the presentation stage and they achieved points when they got the correct answer. It was an interesting idea to recycle the vocabulary and the mimics that teacher Charlie taught before.
Then, Teacher Gabriela Rodriguez divided the class from number 1 to 3. She gave us a paper with a mini role play activity in which one member of the group was the chef and the others were asking him how to prepare a plate. Then Teacher asked the groups to change the name of the street food that was assigned to each group. In my group it was taquitos and we changed it for tosquitos, it was an entertainment activity and meaningful for us.Then, Teacher Gabriela Callejas asked one by one to say a word that we had learned in the class. After, teacher Gabriela asked for two groups to perform the role play practiced. Xiomara's group and Adriana's group were selected to perform it. This lesson was really nice and meaningful because it was prepared with different activities that helped students to enjoy the lesson.

  Here is the lesson plan

Universidad Don Bosco
Teacher’s name:
Carlos Francisco Jovel Urquilla Reina Gabriela Callejas Gabriela Estefany Rodriguez Guillermo David Guerra Sevillano Date: August 08th 2016.
Topic: Street food Ages: 19-25 Time: 60min Level: Basic.
Number of Students: 20. Skill: Speaking Unit: 2
Objective: By the end of this lesson SWBAT identify and use at least 5 new words about food vocabulary from a group of 8 words presented in a chart.
Lesson Planning Form: PPP
5 min
Warm up
Breaking the ice and checking previous knowledge”
The teacher will ask the ss to stand up and make a circle. Then, the teacher is going to ask to the ss in a quick way, how their vacations were and what their favorite visited place was. Then, the teacher will present some flashcards with different types of food. After that, the ss will answer the questions “what food do you see? And How has the food been prepared?”
Aim of the activity: To break the ice and check previous knowledge.

Materials: flashcards

Type of Learner: V, A

Interactions: T-S
10 min
Cooking vocabulary” The teacher will present a chart with 8 new words about cooking vocabulary, which is going to have a picture with the meaning, to the students. Ss will be required to repeat the correct pronunciation of the words as many times as the teacher consider is reasonable, and also they’ll have to act out every word with the help of the teacher; then, every ss will be required to act out one of the new words by themselves.
Aim of the activity: Ss can get introduced to the new words and practice the pronunciation and use as well.

Materials: A chart with the new words with pictures.

Type of Learner: V A K T
Interactions: T-S S-S
20 min

Practice 1

The teacher makes two groups to play “Hot Seat” One students of each group have to guess a word while his/her team is saying key words. Sit the students facing the board.
Take an empty chair - one for each team - and put it at the front of the class, facing the team members. These chairs are the 'hot seats'
Aim of the activity: To use the new vocabulary that students have learned.

Materials: Board

Type of Learner: A
Interaction: S-S
20 min
Teacher make groups of three and give some images and students are going to make a conversation about a recipe using the images with the vocabulary used un class then teacher are going to choose two groups to show the role-play
Aim of the activity: To make students interact.

Materials: Pictures.

Type of learner: V A T

Interaction: S-S
5 min
Wrap up
Cook something”
The teacher will ask the students to stand up, and make a circle. Then, the teacher is going to ask each student to dramatize the cooking of any food that the teacher says. They have to use the learnt vocabulary.
Aim of the activity: Ss can review what they’ve learnt in the class today.

Materials: Nothing

Type of learner: V A K T

Interaction: T-S S-S

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