miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2016


Date: August 16,2016

Teacher's name:
Juan Jose Menjivar
Roxan Diaz
Nicole Hernandez
Mariana Fagoaga

Skill: Reading.
Framework: PDP

Topic: Chocolate

This day was my groups turn to perform a lesson plan. The skill was reading.
First, Roxan started with the warm up that consisted in a draw guessing activity. Teacher divided the class in two groups; then, each group selected a leader who could not see the board . The activity was the following, one student had draw the word that teacher Roxan said ,and the classmates helped the student who could not see the board to guess the word. That was a nice activity ,and the students enjoy it.
Second, Teacher Juan Jose presented the vocabulary of the chocolate text. He used flash cards with the concept to explain the vocabulary, and also he gave examples of each word. he practiced the pronunciation with the students and he asked some students to gave him some examples of the vocabulary words. Then, he gave a letter soup to each students to look for the words of the vocabulary on it. Students enjoy this game and it helped them to keep the vocabulary in mind.

Third, it was my turn to present the practice stage. I divided the class in two teams , and I gave each member of the teams the copy of the text. They had to read it for 50 seconds. Then, after reading I put 4 possibles titles for the ext on the board, each group told me the best option for the title of the text.This were the options:

1.Liquid Chocolate
3.Chocolate and Milk
4. Chocolate and beans
They choose the correct one that was number 2 "Chocolate"
After this activity, I post four pictures on the board that were according the events on the text. I left students 40 seconds to read the text again and look for the possible order. One member of the different group passed to the board and wrote the order with numbers. We checked, and there were correct.

Fourth, teacher Nicole presented the production stage. Teacher Nicole played a basketball activity. She made two groups, and she gave each group a ball. If a student do not throw the ball on the network, he had to take a paper from the box and asked a question about the reader. Many of the students failed and asked a question. In this activity we saw that students got the comprehension of the chocolate reader.
Finally, Teacher Roxan did the wrap up activity. She divided the class in pairs, each pair had 3 different color paper with different questions of the topic. For example: There is any word of the vocabulary that you did not understand?Students answered the questions, and some of them share their answers. This was an appropiate activity that helped teacher to evaluate what were the words that he needs to refresh in the other lesson.
I really enjoy this lesson, and I was nervous at the beginning, but then it was significant for me.

Here is the lesson plan:


Teacher’s name: Juan José Menjívar Date: Agust 16th, 2016
Nicole Hernandez
Roxana Diaz
Mariana Fagoaga Number of Students: 12 students
Topic: Chocolate

Age: 19-24 years Unit: 3 “The food” Level: Intermediate Skill: Reading Time: 30 minutes class

Objective: By the end of this lesson SWBAT identify and name at least 4 to 6 words of the chocolate· making process in order to use them in a basketball game activity.


2 min

Warm –up

Students will be divided into two teams; one member of the team will get a word from the bag which has a bunch of words (e.g. milk, sugar, chocolate, candy, honey, cake and cookies). Student will draw the word as picture on the board and encourage their team to guess the word, the first team to shout the correct answer gets a point. Students who have complete drawing should then nominate someone else to draw for their team.

Aim of the activity: To break the ice and review vocabulary.

Materials: bag, paper with word (e.g. milk, sugar, chocolate, candy, honey, cake and cookies). and markers

Type of learners: V, A, K
Interaction: T-S, S-T

5 min
Pre Reading

T will divide the class in two teams.
T will give Ss a picture that he needs to match with the words on the board. Ss have to guess what the meaning is and match it according with the picture. T will present the vocabulary and pronunciation and Ss repeat it as many times. T will give Ss a letter soup in which they have to find the words that T will write on the board.
Aim of the activity: To encounter with the target vocabulary and question.

Materials: words, vocabulary pictures, letter soup, markers, board

Type of learners: V, A, K, T
Interaction: T-S, S-T

10 min
During Reading
T presents 4 charts with different titles for the story.
Ss are going to read the story for 50 seconds.
Ss will choose the best title for the text.
1.Liquid Chocolate
3.Chocolate and Milk
4. Chocolate and beans
T will divide the class in two teams according with the age of the students.
T will post on the board pictures according with the events of the text. T will give 40 seconds to read the text and Ss have to discuss in their groups their possible order. Ss have to order them. If Ss do not order them at the first time T will give them 30 seconds to read the text and try again.

Aim of the activity: To work pronunciation and the meaning.

Materials: Text, papers, pictures.

Type of learners: V, K,T
Interaction: T-S S-S

10 min

Post Reading

T will divide the class in two teams. T will give each Ss a piece of paper with a number from 1 to 6 will be group number 1 , and form 7 to 12 will be the number 2.
T will present a ball game in which Ss will play basketball game .Ss have to throw the ball and score a basket If the ball does not fall inside of in the hoop, Ss have to ask a question about the text taking the question from a box. Ss will have 8 questions to find it on the text. In the game will be free questions too. Each question will have punctuation.
Aim of the activity: To give Ss an opportunity to use the questions What is your favorite chocolate? And What ingredients you need to do it?

Ball, hoop, box with questions.
Type of learners: V,A,K,T
Interaction: T-S , S-S

3 min
Wrap up
Student will work in pairs, every pair will have 3 different papers green, yellow and red. In the green paper students will write something that they already knew about the lesson. In red one, they write something they learned today and in the yellow one, they write something they didn’t understand about what was discussed. At the end, in the green one, Ss provide positive feedback, in the red one comments and clarify the yellow one.
Aim of the activity: To cool down after 45 min class.

Materials: papers with color green, red and yellow.
Type of learners: V,A, K
Interaction: T-S

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