Date: September 6, 2016
Teacher's name:
Carlos Jovel
Guillermo Guerra
Skill: Listening
Framework: PDP
Topic: Family Members
It was the first time that classmates taught listening for children,for that reason, it was a challenge lesson. First, T. Charlie introduced himself and T. Guillermo. T. Charlie checked the attendance list , and T. Guillermo gave the name tags to the children, Teacher Charlie gave the phrases that students needed to use in the lesson.For example,for go to the bathroom, to listen, to stand up, etc...
Teacher Charlie started the lesson with a shoot game in which students had to shoot a family member that was paste on the board. He mentioned member by member and some of the students got points for their groups, but students had to said the name of the family member when they shoot one.
Second, T. Charlie presented the vocabulary. Students did not use the structure that teacher taught before because behind the picture was the name of the picture that he showed students ,For that reason, students could answer the questions that teacher made. T. Guillermo asked students for the word parents, but he did not taught it before, and students could not answer him.
Third, Memory game activity, T. Charlie said to Gaby and Paolo to stand up and he used them to give real examples to the children. T. Guillermo asked students who wanted t play the memory game, students stand up, and they started to play the memory game. At the same time, Charlie was asking students for the vocabulary with some questions like Who is she?, Who is he? according with the family member .

Finally, T. Charlie could not play the audio because there was some problems with the CD-player, but he read the text for the students. T. Guillermo gave a worksheet activity , and T. Charlie gave the instructions. T. Charlie was saying sentence by sentence to gave students the chance to complete the worksheet. Teachers monitored the activity, and checked the answers. T. gave students the second activity that was circle the family member that the listened. T. performed the activity giving an example on the board, To conclude, T. Guillermo gave students a paper that said "This is my family" in which students had to draw their family. I think the class was interesting and in spite of they had problems with the audio; they could improvise with the listening activity.
Here is the lesson plan:
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