miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016

Wild Animals

Date: September 13rd, 2016

Teacher's name:
Juan José Menjivar
Andrea Leiva

Skill: Vocabulary
Framework: PPP

Topic: Wild Animals.

In this lesson we change the topic and it was the turn of T. Andrea and T. Juan José to performed their first lesson with children. First, T. Andrea gave the name tags to children while T. Juan was checking the attendance list. T presented the rules of the classroom such as go to the bathroom, and raise your hands. T presented and gave students a test for the previous unit of the family members. Teachers monitored students and explained the part of the quiz. When students finished the first part, teacher Juan explained the second one.Then, T . Juan told students to stand up and made a line. T divided the floor with circles black and yellow. Pupils had to jump to the different colors on the floor when the teacher mentioned it, but the learner who lost had to sit down.


Second, T started the presentation stage introducing the wild animals. The vocabulary was lion, panther,gorilla, elephant, giraffe, tiger , bear, and crocodile. T. asked students to repeat after him the words of the vocabulary. After, teacher gave learners a worksheet in which they had to cross a line to join the picture with the word. Teachers monitored the activity.

Third, T. Andrea asked students to make a line, and she gave them a mask of the different wild animals. T was asking pupils what animal they had , and they had to answer. Then, they had to change the mask with another classmate , and asked him who are you? and they had to answer I am______ saying the name of the animal that they had.Finally, T. gave learners a ball, and the student who had the ball when teacher said stop had , he had to said the name of the animal that teacher has in the mask.To conclude, I really like the materials like the mask. I consider the lesson meaningful and helpful to introduce learners with the new unit.

Here is the lesson plan:


Teacher’s name:  Andrea Beatriz Leiva García                                                     Date:  September 13th, 2016.
                               Juan José Menjivar Abrego

Unit: 2           Topic: Wild Animals           Level: Beginners             Number of Students: 14 students.

Age: 6-8 years.                                 Time:  40 minutes.                           Skill: Vocabulary

Objective: By the end of this lesson SWBAT identify and pronounce at least 6-8 wild animals by imagine that
 they are in a jungle using some masks to say “I´m a lion” to their classmate.


7 min

Warm up

After the students sit down at the desk with their names, teachers will provide the class’ rules. Then, students will receive a short exam from the previous unit. Next, the teacher is going to ask them to stand up and make a line, at the floor it will be paste circle black and yellow pages, so if the teacher says “black” the children should move to the black circle, and if he says “yellow” they have to move to the other side and so on. The one or ones who make a mistake have to sit down.
Name: Black and Yellow
Aim of the activity: To break the ice.
Materials: Exams, rules, 2 color circles
Type of learner: V, A, K
Interaction: T-S, S-S

The teacher will present the vocabulary with some disposable plates of the wild animals (Lion, elephant, tiger, giraffe, crocodile, bear, gorilla, and panther) The teacher will say that those animals we can find them on the jungle, if he choose the one that is a panther he could say “I´m a panther” and paste at the board with the corresponding label with the name. The children will be asked to pronounce the words and make sure if they understand the vocabulary presented.
Name: Let´s know wild animals!
Aim of the activity: Present the new vocabulary
Materials: 8 disposable plates, labels, tape, board
Type of learner:  V, A
Interaction: T-S


The students will be received some worksheets in which they have to trace a line from the word to the correct picture that represents it. For example, if there is a picture of an elephant they should match with a line that word, if they have a question they could answer to any teacher to clarify.
Name: Trace a line
Aim of the activity: To practice the vocabulary
Materials: Worksheets
Type of learner: V, T
Interaction: T-S

  10 min


The teacher will say to the students that they could imagine that are in a jungle, so they have to stand up and make two lines to work with the one in front of them, then, they will receive the masks of the animals and must say the sentence mentioned at the presentation “I´m a _____” with the animal that they have. Finally, they will sit down and return the masks. The teachers are going to make an example before the students start.
Name: We are in the jungle
Aim of the activity: To use the target vocabulary
Materials: Disposable plates
Type of learners:  V, A, K, T
Interaction: S-S

Wrap up

Children are going to pass a ball provided by the teacher, if the teacher says “stop” and a student has it, he or she will have to say the animal that the teacher show with the mask, this activity will be repeated 3 times. After that, the children are going to receive a snack before they go.
Name: Pass the ball
Aim of the activity: To review vocabulary
Materials: Ball, Disposable plates
Type of learners: V, A, K, T
Interaction: T-S, S-S

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